Lead for America - AmeriCorps

Americorps Lead for America Team
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What is ACC?
The American Connection Corps (ACC) is a program of Lead For America, a national nonprofit organization focused on building a leadership force of moral, dynamic, and locally-rooted leaders committed to serving the communities they call home in every corner of this country. ACC is Lead For America’s boots-on-the-ground service corps, aimed at activating local leaders in rural and emerging communities to tackle critical, bi-partisan challenges to advance economic prosperity. Through ACC, Lead For America ensures that national service opportunities are indeed available in “every corner of this country.” 
As a program of Lead For America, American Connection Corps shares LFA’s 501c(3) status, as well as a talented executive team overseeing financial and operational management.

NATIONAL CORE CAMPAIGN: Bridging the Digital Divide

In today’s world, broadband access and digital skills are an important foundation for economic prosperity in every community. Yet too many of our rural and emerging communities have been left behind - and our workforce, healthcare access, and agricultural economies suffer as a result. 

Bridging the digital divide is a core campaign of the American Connection Corps and is an issue that unites all ACC Members as they serve across fields related to Economic Opportunity, Health and Social Capital, and Agriculture and Natural Resources. In 2021, Congress invested $65 billion of infrastructure funding toward broadband development and digital inclusion to connect the country. Through ACC’s training intensives and national support network, our members are equipped with the tools to understand how they can channel these resources, and many more, to their local communities.

Lead For America AmeriCorps Members are available to serve interested stakeholders and populations and are currently assigned to multiple hosted sites located throughout the Commonwealth, including:

  • Municipalities
  • Regional Planning Agencies
  • Community Based Organizations
  • Healthcare Facilities or Organizations

MRPC is one of 15 Lead for America “host sites” in Massachusetts. MRPC’s Lead for America AmeriCorps Member is now available to provide assistance, including the following services:


  • American Connectivity Program (ACP) Enrollment Help
  • Host Community Listening Sessions
    • Discuss internet availability and costs
  • Host Internet and Technology Sessions
  • Contact to schedule a meeting

Sources and Related Information

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