Montachusett SS4A Regional Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Request for Proposals - Questions & Answers

Montachusett SS4A Request for Proposals - Questions & Answers
As of 9/28/2023
Date ReceivedQuestionResponse

Could you please confirm the consultant budget for the project?

Respondents should assume that at this time, the anticipated budget for the consultant is equal to the Federal Grant amount of $750,000. 


Given the 20 page limit for the proposal package (excluding required attachments), would respondents be able to provide long-format resumes for additional staff members in an Appendix section that does not count toward the page limit?

An attachment of staff resumes is acceptable and will not count towards the requested 20 page limit.  We would recommend keeping the resumes as short as possible.

The RFP document doesn’t appear to include Attachment E (DBE Certification). Can MRPC upload this attachment to the website?

If qualified as a DBE, the respondent should have this certification already in hand.  To apply for a DBE certificate from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, please see at this DBE LINK.

On page 13 of the RFQ the “Prior Project Experience” section has a limit of 5 pages, however on page 16 of the package structure page, that section is outlined to be limited to 4 pages. Can you please confirm what the page limit is for the “Prior Project Experience section”?

Please limit the response to 5 pages.


Please confirm the page limit is 20 pages. There is a discrepancy in the RFP on page 16 where the package structure breakdown totals 18 pages.

Please limit the overall response to 20 pages.

10/6/2023Will subconsultants need to fill out the included forms or is that only required for the prime consultant. 

The response is for the Prime Consultant.  If possible, please identify any subconsultants and their planned participation.


On Page 6 under MRPC Role, Stakeholder and Public Engagement, please clarify MRPC role (bullet 4) in coordinating all meetings in relation to Consultant Role bullet 4, administrative support/outreach to the public. Will MRPC be identifying meeting locations, identifying advertising venues, printing materials, and conducting the primary outreach to advertise the meetings through multiple channels?

The MRPC will be available to fill in whenever needed as part of the outreach effort.  This includes coordination with the selected consultant on meeting dates, locations, printing and emails, postings, etc.  We expect that the consultant will take an active and primary role in these activities and that the MRPC will be available to assist and/or augment any and all outreach efforts.  Specific roles can be further defined as the process moves forward and in the consultation and coordination of events.  The primary goal is to maximize outreach.


On Page 6, Stakeholder and Public Engagement, Bullet 5 – Is there a maximum number of meetings anticipated? Are the 10 meetings to cover the 28-community study area?

The number of meetings identified is the minimum expected for the overall study area.  Additional meetings needed beyond the minimum 10 in order to produce the needed results will be up to the consultant, in coordination with the MRPC.  We wish to make the process as simple and as straight forward as possible.  If the consultant feels that this will require additional meetings, we will defer to their opinion and the MRPC will work to coordinate items as needed.


Is a list of professional licenses/certifications sufficient or would you like copies of the licenses and certifications?

A listing is fine for the response.  If further clarification is needed, we will address that issue once a consultant has been formally selected.


How often will the VZAC meet, and will the consultant attend in-person or virtually?

The VZAC will be part of the 10 minimum identified meetings.  If additional VZAC meetings are requested by members of the VZAC, we will leave it to the discretion of the consultant on whether to attend in person or virtually.


Is there a DBE requirement?

No.  If a firm is a certified DBE, we would like to see their certification as part of the response.