Content Exception & New Topics Form

Please use the following form to tell us which pages you want us to exclude during the migration process, as well as what new content you want us to add.

1. The first section is for listing any content we should exclude during the migration process. For example, they may want to move over everything excluding past election results.

2. The second section is for any new content they want added to their department. For example, they may want a new page created for Absentee Ballots.

3. The third section is for any miscellaneos notes that need to be passed along. This can be used for any notes on how content should be laid out or any other useful information that comes out of the RA process.

The name of your Department, Board, Committee or Commission
Providing an email address will give us a way to contact them if we have any questions.
Please list any content they would like to exclude from their Board/Department.
Use this field to list any new content they want created as part of the Best Practices RA prep.
Use this for any other pages miscellaneous notes relating to existing content.